How to Become MARCOS Commando in India

How to Become MARCOS Commando in India

Summary of Article:

  1. Eligibility Criteria: Aspiring MARCOS Commandos must be Indian citizens, typically between 18 and 30 years old, with at least a higher secondary education (10+2). They need to meet stringent physical and medical standards, including exceptional physical fitness and medical health.
  2. Selection Process: The selection process includes a preliminary screening, rigorous Physical Fitness Test (PFT), psychological evaluation, interviews, and a comprehensive medical examination. This multistage process is designed to assess the candidates’ physical capabilities, mental resilience, and suitability for special operations.
  3. Rigorous Training Regime: Selected candidates undergo an intensive training program that includes basic commando training, advanced special operations training, and further specialization based on operational requirements and individual aptitudes. Training covers a wide range of skills from combat tactics to survival techniques, ensuring readiness for any mission.
  4. Life as a MARCOS Commando: Life in MARCOS is challenging yet rewarding, characterized by strict discipline, continuous skill development, and participation in high-risk operations. Commandos must maintain peak physical and mental condition, ready to deploy at a moment’s notice.
  5. Preparation Tips: Aspirants should focus on physical fitness, mental toughness, and acquiring tactical knowledge. Engaging with veterans, utilizing military preparation forums, and continuous learning and skill development are crucial for improving chances of selection into this elite unit.

The MARCOS, or Marine Commandos, stand as the epitome of valor and expertise within the Indian Navy, representing one of the most elite special forces units in India.

Established to conduct highly specialized operations, these commandos are trained to operate in all terrains, but with a primary focus on maritime activities.

The journey to become a MARCOS commando is arduous and only the most determined and physically fit individuals are selected to join this prestigious cadre.

Being a part of MARCOS is not just about physical prowess; it demands unparalleled mental strength, resilience, and a profound commitment to serving the country under the most challenging conditions.

This blog post aims to shed light on the meticulous process and the sheer dedication required to become a MARCOS commando. From the rigorous selection process to the intense training regimen, we will explore what it takes to earn the coveted MARCOS badge.

For those aspiring to join the ranks of these elite warriors, understanding the path ahead is the first step towards achieving this distinguished honor.

Join us as we delve into the remarkable journey of becoming a MARCOS commando, a symbol of excellence and bravery in the Indian Navy.

Understanding MARCOS

Understanding the MARCOS, or Marine Commandos, is pivotal for anyone aspiring to join this elite force within the Indian Navy.

This section provides a comprehensive overview of the history, role, and significance of MARCOS, aiming to inspire and inform prospective candidates about what it means to be part of this distinguished unit.

History and Role: The Marine Commandos were formed in 1987 with a primary focus on amphibious warfare, counter-terrorism, direct action, special reconnaissance, and unconventional warfare.

This inception was aimed at enhancing the Indian Navy’s capability to offer a rapid response to emerging threats, particularly in maritime domains.

Over the years, MARCOS has evolved into one of the world’s most formidable special forces units, credited with numerous successful operations both within and outside India’s borders.

They are often involved in critical missions including anti-piracy, anti-terrorism, and hostage rescue operations, showcasing their versatility and elite training.

Why Become a MARCOS Commando? The allure of becoming a MARCOS commando lies not just in the prestige of joining an elite unit but also in the opportunity to serve the country in a capacity that few can.

Being a MARCOS commando means being at the forefront of national defense, ready to deploy at a moment’s notice to protect the nation’s interests.

The path to becoming a MARCOS commando is fraught with challenges, designed to test the limits of one’s physical and mental endurance.

However, the reward lies in the unparalleled honor of being part of a legacy of bravery, excellence, and sacrifice.

The role of a MARCOS commando comes with a deep sense of pride and responsibility, embodying the very best of the Indian Navy and the nation’s defense forces.

Eligibility Criteria to Become MARCOS Commando

The eligibility criteria to become a MARCOS Commando in India are designed to ensure that only the most capable and dedicated individuals are selected for this elite force. Here are the key eligibility requirements:


  • Indian Citizenship: Candidates must be Indian citizens.

Age and Educational Qualifications

  • Age Limit: Typically, the age range for eligibility is between 18 and 30 years. However, this can vary based on specific recruitment guidelines.
  • Educational Qualification: Candidates must have at least completed their 10+2 (higher secondary) education. Higher educational qualifications may provide an advantage during the selection process.

Physical and Medical Standards

  • Physical Fitness: Candidates must be in excellent physical condition. This includes meeting specific requirements for endurance, strength, and agility. The ability to swim is also crucial, as operations may involve amphibious environments.
  • Medical Fitness: Medical standards are stringent. Candidates must pass a comprehensive medical examination that assesses overall health, including cardiovascular, respiratory, and neurological health. Eyesight and hearing must also meet high standards, with specific criteria for vision acuity and no history of major illnesses or surgeries that could impair physical performance.

Additional Requirements

  • Gender: Traditionally, MARCOS commandos have been male, but policies can evolve, so it’s essential to check the latest recruitment guidelines.
  • Selection Process: Passing the initial eligibility criteria is just the first step. Candidates must then undergo a rigorous selection process, which includes physical fitness tests, psychological evaluations, and a series of interviews.
  • Training: Candidates who pass the selection process are then required to undergo rigorous training, which includes basic commando training followed by specialized combat training. Only those who successfully complete all phases of training are inducted as MARCOS commandos.

It’s important to note that the criteria and processes for selection into the MARCOS can be updated or modified by the Indian Navy, so prospective candidates should refer to the official notifications for the most current information.

The journey to become a MARCOS commando is challenging and demands exceptional physical and mental strength, unwavering determination, and a deep commitment to serving the country.

Selection Process

The selection process to become a MARCOS Commando is one of the most rigorous and challenging in the Indian Armed Forces, designed to identify candidates with the highest levels of physical fitness, mental resilience, and tactical acumen.

This multistage process ensures that only the most capable and dedicated individuals join the ranks of this elite unit.

Stage 1: Preliminary Screening

The journey begins with a preliminary screening, which includes a detailed scrutiny of the candidate’s application, educational qualifications, and physical fitness standards.

This stage often includes basic tests of physical endurance and strength, such as running, push-ups, and swimming, to ensure candidates meet the minimum physical requirements.

Stage 2: Physical Fitness Test (PFT)

Candidates who pass the preliminary screening are subjected to a rigorous Physical Fitness Test (PFT).

The PFT is designed to test a candidate’s endurance, agility, strength, and stamina to their limits.

It includes a series of challenging physical activities, such as long-distance running, swimming fully clothed, obstacle courses, and load carrying.

The PFT is a critical stage where many aspirants are filtered out, highlighting the importance of exceptional physical conditioning.

Stage 3: Psychological Testing and Interview

Following the PFT, candidates undergo comprehensive psychological testing and an interview conducted by a board of experts.

This stage assesses the mental toughness, decision-making capabilities, leadership qualities, and stress tolerance of the candidates.

Psychological evaluations are crucial to determine whether an aspirant possesses the mental fortitude required to endure the harsh realities of combat and the demanding lifestyle of a MARCOS commando.

Stage 4: Medical Examination

The medical examination is another critical phase of the selection process.

Candidates must meet high medical standards, ensuring they are free from any ailments or conditions that could impair their performance.

The examination covers a wide array of health checks, including cardiovascular health, visual and auditory acuity, and overall physical wellness.

This stage ensures that only those in peak physical and medical condition proceed further in the selection process.

Final Selection

Candidates who successfully navigate through these stages face the final selection round, which may include further assessments or interviews as deemed necessary by the selection board.

The entire process is designed to be extremely challenging, ensuring that only the most capable candidates are selected to undergo the rigorous training required to become a MARCOS commando.

The selection process for MARCOS commandos is a testament to the unit’s elite status, requiring candidates to demonstrate unparalleled physical prowess, mental strength, and a deep-rooted commitment to serve the country.

For those aspiring to join this prestigious unit, preparation must be holistic, focusing on physical conditioning, mental readiness, and tactical knowledge.

Rigorous Training Regime

The training regime to become a MARCOS (Marine Commando) is among the most rigorous and comprehensive in the Indian Armed Forces, designed to prepare candidates for the multifaceted challenges of special operations. This intensive program hones their physical fitness, combat skills, mental resilience, and tactical knowledge, ensuring they are ready for any mission.

Pre-Training Requirements

Before the commencement of the actual MARCOS training, candidates undergo a pre-training phase.

This phase includes basic military training for those not already in the Navy and a conditioning period to prepare candidates for the physical and mental rigors of the upcoming courses.

It focuses on building stamina, strength, and endurance, with an emphasis on swimming, as proficiency in water is crucial for MARCOS operations.

Phase 1: Basic Commando Training

The first official phase of MARCOS training is the Basic Commando Training course, which lasts about 2-3 months.

This phase is conducted at the Indian Navy’s INS Abhimanyu or other specialized training facilities.

The curriculum covers a wide range of skills, including weapon handling, basic combat tactics, parachuting, navigation, and survival techniques.

Physical conditioning is intensified, with rigorous exercises and drills designed to push candidates to their physical limits.

This phase also includes basic underwater diving training, setting the foundation for more advanced maritime operations.

Phase 2: Advanced Special Operations Training

Following the basic training, candidates enter the Advanced Special Operations phase, which lasts approximately 3-4 months.

This stage dives deeper into specialized combat skills and tactics required for maritime special operations.

It includes advanced weapon training, close-quarter battle (CQB) techniques, counter-terrorism operations, and high-altitude warfare.

This phase also covers advanced diving and parachute training, including free-fall parachuting, which is essential for covert insertions.

Candidates are taught to operate in various environments, from jungle and mountainous terrains to urban settings, ensuring versatility and adaptability in all conditions.

Phase 3: Specialization and Further Training

After completing the advanced training, candidates may undergo further specialization based on the needs of the MARCOS unit and the individual’s aptitude.

Specializations can include sniper training, explosive ordnance disposal (EOD), languages for intelligence gathering, and medical training for combat casualty care.

Additionally, commandos have the opportunity to attend courses both in India and abroad, such as advanced diving courses, parachuting instructor courses, and exchange programs with other special forces units to enhance their skills and knowledge.

Continuous Evaluation and Final Qualification

Throughout the training regime, candidates are continuously evaluated on their performance, leadership qualities, and ability to work as part of a team.

The final qualification to become a MARCOS commando involves passing a series of comprehensive tests and evaluations, covering all aspects of the training.

Upon successful completion, candidates are awarded the coveted MARCOS badge, signifying their entry into the ranks of this elite force.

The training regime for MARCOS commandos is designed to be extremely challenging, pushing candidates to their limits and beyond.

It ensures that those who earn the MARCOS badge are not only physically and mentally elite but also highly skilled in a wide range of military tactics and operations, ready to undertake any mission with precision and excellence.

Life as a MARCOS Commando

Life as a MARCOS Commando is a testament to the elite nature of this special forces unit within the Indian Navy, characterized by relentless challenges, unparalleled discipline, and the unwavering commitment to safeguard national security.

Being a MARCOS commando means embodying the highest standards of physical fitness, mental resilience, and tactical proficiency, prepared to undertake missions that are often beyond the realm of conventional military operations.

Daily Routine and Responsibilities: The daily life of a MARCOS commando is rigorously structured, involving advanced physical training, tactical exercises, and specialized skill development to maintain peak operational readiness.

Commandos engage in a variety of training regimes to hone their combat, maritime, and airborne skills, ensuring they are prepared for any scenario.

Responsibilities may vary significantly, ranging from strategic planning sessions to participating in counter-terrorism operations, anti-piracy missions, and other covert operations both within and beyond national borders.

The unpredictable nature of their assignments means that MARCOS commandos must always be prepared for rapid deployment, often with little notice.

Challenges and Rewards: The path of a MARCOS commando is fraught with challenges, including the physical demands of the job, the psychological stress of high-risk operations, and the personal sacrifices required by the profession.

However, the rewards of serving as a MARCOS commando are unparalleled. There is a profound sense of pride and fulfillment in being part of an elite unit that plays a critical role in national defense, along with the camaraderie and brotherhood formed among commandos.

The opportunity to engage in diverse missions offers unique experiences and the chance to make a significant impact on national and global security.

Tips for Aspiring MARCOS Commandos

For those aspiring to join the ranks of the MARCOS Commandos, one of the most elite special forces units of the Indian Navy, the journey is undeniably challenging but profoundly rewarding.

Here are essential tips to enhance your preparation and increase your chances of success:

Physical and Mental Preparation

  • Rigorous Physical Training: Start with a well-rounded fitness regime that includes running, swimming, strength training, and endurance exercises. Focus on improving your stamina, agility, and physical resilience to meet the demanding physical standards of the MARCOS.
  • Mental Toughness: Develop mental resilience through practices like meditation, stress management techniques, and challenging outdoor activities. Mental toughness is crucial for enduring the grueling selection process and the demanding life of a commando.

Continuous Learning and Skill Development

  • Tactical Knowledge: Gain a broad understanding of military tactics, navigation, survival skills, and first aid. Knowledge in these areas will be beneficial during the selection process and essential throughout your career as a MARCOS commando.
  • Specialized Skills: If possible, acquire skills that could be valuable to the MARCOS, such as scuba diving certifications, parachuting experience, or proficiency in foreign languages. These skills can set you apart from other candidates.

Seeking Guidance and Mentorship

  • Engage with Veterans: Connecting with former MARCOS commandos or military personnel can provide invaluable insights into the selection process, training regimen, and life as a commando. Their experiences and advice can guide your preparation strategy.
  • Utilize Military Preparation Forums: Online forums and social media groups dedicated to military preparation can be a resource for tips, information, and encouragement from individuals with similar aspirations.

Embarking on the path to becoming a MARCOS commando requires dedication, discipline, and a relentless pursuit of excellence.

By focusing on physical fitness, mental fortitude, continuous learning, and seeking mentorship, aspirants can significantly improve their chances of success in this noble and challenging pursuit.

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The journey to becoming a MARCOS Commando in India is a testament to the resilience, dedication, and unparalleled commitment required to join the ranks of one of the most elite special forces units in the world.

From meeting the stringent eligibility criteria to enduring the rigorous selection process and surviving the grueling training regime, every step is designed to test the limits of one’s physical, mental, and emotional endurance.

Life as a MARCOS commando is not just a career but a calling, characterized by the relentless pursuit of excellence, the readiness to face the most challenging operations, and the unwavering commitment to safeguard the nation’s security and interests.

As we’ve explored, aspiring MARCOS commandos must prepare themselves for a path that is fraught with challenges but is equally rewarding.

The honor of wearing the MARCOS badge comes with a deep sense of pride and fulfillment, knowing that you are part of an elite group that stands at the forefront of India’s defense.

The journey demands not only exceptional physical capabilities and mental toughness but also a continuous commitment to personal and professional development.


For individuals interested in pursuing a career as a MARCOS Commando or seeking more information about the selection process, training, and career path in the Indian Navy’s elite special forces unit, here are several resources that can provide valuable insights and guidance:

Official Indian Navy Website

  • Website: Join Indian Navy
  • This is the official portal for recruitment and information on various careers within the Indian Navy, including announcements, eligibility criteria, and detailed information on the selection process.

Defence Career Coaching Centers

  • Centers like the National Defence Academy (NDA) coaching centers, SSB (Services Selection Board) training institutes, and other specialized defense coaching facilities can provide preparatory courses, physical training, and guidance on clearing the selection processes for the Indian Navy, including aspirations to become a MARCOS commando.

Books and Guides

  • Several books and guides offer insights into the selection process, training regimen, and life of a MARCOS commando. Titles include preparatory guides for defense exams, autobiographies of former special forces personnel, and books focused on military fitness and preparation.

Online Forums and Social Media Groups

  • Platforms like Quora, Reddit, and Facebook host communities and groups dedicated to Indian defense services aspirants. These forums can provide peer support, answer specific queries, and share experiences related to the MARCOS selection process and training.

Military Blogs and Websites

  • Websites like SSBCrack, Defence Direct Education, and Indian Defence Review regularly publish articles, interviews, and insights on various aspects of a career in the Indian Armed Forces, including special forces like MARCOS.

YouTube Channels

  • Several defense-focused YouTube channels provide informational videos on the MARCOS Commandos, including documentaries, interviews with former commandos, and tips for aspirants on physical and mental preparation.

Ministry of Defence Publications

  • Official publications and notifications from the Ministry of Defence, India, offer the most accurate and updated information regarding recruitment, training, and roles within the Indian Navy and MARCOS.


Eligibility for MARCOS Commando?

To become a MARCOS commando, candidates must be Indian citizens, typically between the ages of 18 and 30 years, though the exact age criteria can vary depending on specific recruitment guidelines. Candidates should have completed at least their 10+2 (higher secondary) education. They must meet stringent physical and medical standards, including excellent physical fitness, swimming ability, and medical health. Candidates are also required to pass a series of selection tests, including physical fitness tests, psychological evaluations, and interviews.

Salary of MARCOS Commando in India?

The salary of a MARCOS commando in India can vary based on rank, experience, and years of service. As members of the Indian Navy, MARCOS commandos receive pay and allowances according to their designated naval ranks, starting from Seaman and going up to Admiral for higher ranks. Besides the basic pay, they are entitled to various allowances, including maritime special forces allowance, high altitude allowance, flying allowance (if applicable), and others. The starting salary can range from INR 30,000 to INR 40,000 per month for entry-level positions, with additional allowances and benefits.

Who Becomes MARCOS Commando?

MARCOS commandos are selected from volunteers within the Indian Navy, though there are occasions where personnel from other branches of the Indian Armed Forces have been allowed to join. Candidates must undergo and pass a highly selective and rigorous testing and training process, demonstrating exceptional physical fitness, mental toughness, and aptitude for special operations.

Can Girls Join MARCOS?

As of my last update in April 2023, the MARCOS unit was not open to women. The combat roles in the MARCOS, like many special forces units around the world, have traditionally been male-dominated. However, military policies and roles for women are continually evolving, so it’s advisable to check the latest updates from official Indian Navy recruitment notifications.

Joining MARCOS at the Age of 25?

Yes, you can join MARCOS at the age of 25, provided you meet all other eligibility criteria, including physical, educational, and medical standards. The age range for eligibility typically allows for candidates up to 30 years of age, though specific criteria can vary.

Can we Joining MARCOS Directly?

Direct entry into MARCOS without first being a part of the Indian Navy is not traditionally available. Candidates usually need to be serving members of the Indian Navy who volunteer for MARCOS. They are then subjected to a selection process. However, direct entry schemes, if any, would be specified in official recruitment notifications by the Indian Navy. It’s essential for interested candidates to follow these notifications closely for any updates on the selection process.

Meet Ankit Kumar holding a master's degree in Museology, Ankit Kumar brings a profound understanding of the cultural and historical significance of museums. With a passion for research and a keen interest in writing, they have not only excelled in guiding individuals in their career paths but also have a flair for creating insightful and engaging blogs on various aspects of museology as well as different professions.

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