How to Become NSG Commando in India

How to Become NSG Commando in India

Start by explaining what the National Security Guard (NSG) is. The NSG is India’s elite counter-terrorism unit, established in 1984 following Operation Blue Star and the assassination of Indira Gandhi.

It’s often referred to as the “Black Cats” due to their distinctive black uniform and black cat insignia.

The unit plays a crucial role in India’s national security and is one of the best special forces units in the world.

After providing an overview of the NSG, highlight its importance in the national security framework of India.

You can discuss its role in neutralizing terror threats, high-risk rescues, and VIP protection duties.

You might also mention some of the significant operations they’ve been involved in, like Operation Black Tornado during the 2008 Mumbai attacks, to illustrate the critical tasks they undertake.

The Prerequisites

A. Basic requirements for aspiring NSG Commandos

  1. Age Limit: Typically, the age limit for selection in the NSG is between 20 to 30 years. However, this may vary based on the specific criteria set by the organization.
  2. Physical and Medical Standards: NSG commandos must be in exceptional physical and medical condition. Outline the specific fitness and health requirements, including details about vision, hearing, and other physical standards.
  3. Educational Qualifications: Generally, the minimum educational qualification required is a high school diploma or equivalent. Note that NSG values practical skills and physical abilities over formal education, but literacy and basic educational qualifications are essential.

B. The need for prior military or paramilitary service

One of the unique aspects of the NSG is that it recruits personnel who are already serving in the Indian Army or Central Armed Police Forces (CAPF).

These personnel already have a basic level of training and experience, which is further honed by NSG.

C. Importance of discipline and commitment

Apart from the tangible prerequisites, emphasize the need for intangible qualities like discipline, commitment, resilience, and a strong will.

These characteristics are as crucial as physical fitness in the making of an NSG commando.

Remember, the specific prerequisites may vary based on the regulations set by NSG, so it’s always best to refer to the latest guidelines or notices from the NSG or the Ministry of Home Affairs, India.

Recruitment process

A. Detailed Description of the Selection Process

The NSG selection process is an intense and highly competitive endeavor. It’s important to note that NSG doesn’t directly recruit civilians.

The commandos are chosen from the Indian Armed Forces and Central Armed Police Forces.

Explain this process in detail, elaborating on how candidates from these organizations are invited to volunteer for the NSG.

B. Overview of the Different Stages of Selection

  1. Written Examination: In some cases, there might be a written test involved. This test typically assesses the candidate’s general aptitude, knowledge of current affairs, and basic mathematics. The exact nature of the test may vary and it might not be applicable for all candidates.
  2. Physical Efficiency and Medical Tests: Candidates have to undergo rigorous physical and medical examinations. These can include various fitness tests such as running, jumping, swimming, and obstacle courses. The medical tests are to ensure that the candidate is in optimal health, with no underlying medical conditions that could hinder their performance in high-stress situations.
  3. Personal Interview: In this stage, the candidates’ psychological strength, determination, presence of mind, and ability to think quickly under stress are evaluated. It could also involve group discussions to test teamwork and leadership qualities.

This process ensures that only the best-suited individuals are selected for NSG training.

Remember that each step of the selection process is eliminatory, meaning failure at any stage results in disqualification from the current selection process.

The training

A. Explanation of Basic Training

  1. Physical Conditioning: NSG Commandos are expected to be in peak physical condition. The basic training involves rigorous physical conditioning that includes running, swimming, weight training, obstacle courses, and other physically demanding exercises.
  2. Weapon Handling: Trainees learn to handle various types of weapons, including pistols, assault rifles, sniper rifles, and grenades. The training also covers advanced weapon systems used in counter-terrorism and hostage-rescue operations.
  3. Combat Training: Basic combat techniques, martial arts, and hand-to-hand combat skills are taught at this stage. This also includes situational awareness training and survival techniques.

B. Specialized Training

  1. Counter-Terrorism: As NSG is primarily a counter-terrorism unit, specialized training in counter-terrorism tactics forms a major part of the training program. This includes room intervention, close quarter battle, and urban warfare.
  2. Bomb Disposal: NSG commandos are trained in detecting and defusing explosives. This part of the training is critical given the nature of the threats they may encounter.
  3. Hostage Rescue: One of the key roles of the NSG is to conduct hostage-rescue operations. Trainees undergo meticulous training to handle such sensitive scenarios, with a prime focus on ensuring the safety of hostages.

C. Challenges and Rigors of Training

The training to become an NSG commando is considered to be one of the toughest in the world.

It’s important to highlight the physical and mental challenges trainees face during this period.

The high dropout rates and tough training schedules test the trainees’ endurance and determination.

The length of the training period can vary but typically extends over a period of about 9-14 months.

Remember, the training is a continual process and even after becoming commandos, NSG personnel regularly update their skills with advanced training modules.

Life as an NSG Commando

A. General Duties and Responsibilities

Start by outlining the general duties and responsibilities of an NSG Commando.

This includes counter-terrorism operations, high-risk security for VIPs, bomb disposal, and dealing with high-risk scenarios like hostage situations.

Mention that the nature of the job requires them to be on high alert at all times and ready to deploy at short notice.

B. The High-Risk Nature of the Job

Emphasize that being an NSG Commando is a high-stakes job with real risks.

These professionals often find themselves in dangerous situations and must make quick decisions that can have life-altering consequences.

Their work often requires them to be away from their families for extended periods of time and work in highly stressful scenarios.

C. Opportunities for Growth and Advancement

Despite the challenging nature of the job, there are also numerous opportunities for growth and advancement within the NSG.

Highlight how, through distinguished service, an NSG commando can rise up the ranks and take on roles with increased responsibility and leadership.

Remember to maintain a realistic and respectful tone while discussing life as an NSG Commando.

It’s important to remember the serious nature of the job and the sacrifices these individuals make in their service to the country.


A. Summary of the commitment required to become an NSG Commando
Remind your readers of the significant commitment needed to become an NSG Commando.

This includes the rigorous selection process, the intense physical and mental training, and the continuous readiness required once they become an NSG commando.

B. The honor and pride associated with serving in this elite force:
Finally, highlight the honor and pride that come with serving in such a prestigious and important role.

Being an NSG commando means serving the country at the highest level, often putting one’s life at risk to ensure the security and peace of the nation.

Remind your readers that the path to becoming an NSG commando is not easy and is filled with challenges.

However, for those with the necessary determination, physical ability, and mental fortitude, it’s an opportunity to be part of an elite group that plays a critical role in the nation’s security.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Can a civilian become an NSG Commando?

No, as of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, the NSG only recruits from personnel already serving in the Indian Army or Central Armed Police Forces.

What is the age limit to become an NSG Commando?

Typically, the age limit for selection in the NSG is between 20 to 30 years. However, this may vary based on the specific criteria set by the organization.

What is the educational requirement to become an NSG Commando?

Generally, the minimum educational qualification required is a high school diploma or equivalent. However, the NSG values practical skills and physical abilities over formal education.

How long is the training period for an NSG Commando?

The length of the training period can vary but typically extends over a period of about 9-14 months. This includes both basic and specialized training.

What is the nature of the selection process for NSG Commandos?

AThe selection process involves rigorous physical and medical tests, potential written examinations, and personal interviews. It’s an eliminatory process, meaning failure at any stage results in disqualification from the current selection process.

What are the duties of an NSG Commando?

NSG Commandos have several duties including counter-terrorism operations, high-risk security for VIPs, bomb disposal, and dealing with high-risk scenarios like hostage situations.

How risky is the life of an NSG Commando?

Being an NSG Commando is a high-stakes job with real risks. These professionals often find themselves in dangerous situations and must make quick decisions that can have life-altering consequences.

Meet Ankit Kumar holding a master's degree in Museology, Ankit Kumar brings a profound understanding of the cultural and historical significance of museums. With a passion for research and a keen interest in writing, they have not only excelled in guiding individuals in their career paths but also have a flair for creating insightful and engaging blogs on various aspects of museology as well as different professions.

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